Friday, August 30, 2013

Welcome Page

 I’m Hayley.  My life takes all kinds of random twists and turns,
but so far, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

When I was almost 21, I took a semester off from school, got on a plane with two suitcases and moved to Florida for 6 months working for Disney.  This has shaped all of my relationships and everything I’ve done since then.  After a semester being a character performer, I came back to school, changed my major again, and attended another year of classes before taking another 9 months off for another internship at Disney, working in an office setting.  I came back and took a lead position at Jamba Juice, with a light school load, followed by working at Kohl’s starting as a cashier and moving my way up to an Area Supervisor where I left school and just worked full time.  After a while there, I realized I hated everything I was doing and got the opportunity to go back to Florida for a summer and start working with Disney once again.  That was three years ago, now I’m a seasonal Cast Member in Florida, going back and forth between my life in Florida and my life in Utah.

Since January of this year, I’ve spent 14 in airports days traveling between Utah, Florida, California and Atlanta or roughly 88 of the 243 days this year out of the state of Utah. 

That’s a short version of how I became a 29-year-old still in college.
 My life in Utah revolves all around helping my family and friends while trying to get done with school.  I live with my parents, sister, brother-in-law and Lucinda, my two-year-old niece, and Arlo and Cece, my sister's 4-month-old twins.  So if you see spit up on my shoulder, I probably was burping one of them before I left.  I also help nanny Cameron, Brooklyn and Jack, my two nephews and niece.
            This semester is going to be a wild ride; I’m taking two of my scariest subjects – Math and English.  The only thing that scares me more than a math class is taking an English class that I will be writing and researching.  I am beyond intimidated even just thinking about a 5-page research paper, let along 10-15.